Welcome to the website of Dr. Dr. Eberhard Güting

A brief introduction to the author and editor Eberhard Güting, a theologian.

The research interests of Eberhard W. Güting were originally focussed upon the literature of early Judaism. He analyzed the language of the Old Testament „Book of Covenant" (Ex 20:22 - 23:33), he wrote a commentary on the Mishnah Terumot, he contributed to the lexicon of a famous Jewish historian. Lectures and written work presently concentrate on the textual criticism of the New Testament and upon editorial science.

University of Münster

Franz-Delitzsch-Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Institutum Judaicum Delitzschianum, Münster

Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas, the secret behind all these lectures.

Arbeitsgemeinschaft für germanistische Edition

Gesellschaft für christlich-jüdische Zusammenarbeit Osnabrück, their journal:


The work of Dr. Güting is partly present in the Biblioteca Vaticana, Rome, in the University Library of Jerusalem, in the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., in the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, in the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, Leipzig, in the British Library, London.

Bibliography Eberhard Güting (in selection)

Bibliography Eberhard Güting (complete), including a short abstract on the methodological approach of Joachim Wach to hermeneutics.


Nicholas S. Law, ed., The Cambridge Blue Book 2005/06 (Cambridge: Melrose Press Ltd., 2006), p. 131

CV Eberhard W. Güting, Dr. theol., Dr. phil.

CV Eberhard W. Güting Dr. theol., Dr. phil. and a sermon written by his wife, women.


Lectures, the places, where they took place and the lecture of Amsterdam, online-editions.

Short version

short version


If you wish to contact Dr. Güting, you can do this here via e-mail.

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Content of both websites

MembershipsBibliography Eberhard Güting (in selection)Bibliography Eberhard Güting (complete)Biography Cambridge Blue BookCurriculum VitaeLecturesShort versionContactDisclaimerData protectionImpressum
Institutum Judaicum Delitzschianum, MünsterVorlesungenWachPictureAkropolisOnline-editionsFriends  EU-USA Privacy Shield 
Studiorum Novi Testamenti SocietasErster DoktorJapan Old + New Testament women Newspaper articles  Google Datenschutzerklärung 
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für germanistische Edition   Erlangen Invitations to talkshows    
Herder   Leuchten Piece of ArtAnthropology   
Gesellschaft für christlich-jüdische Zusammenarbeit OsnabrückBegegnungen  Reverend  Aphorisms   

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